Today 's blog is going to be a bit mushy so bare with me...I have a few things on the go...I can't tell you all just yet...but I have my fingers crossed and I am hoping some great positive things will happen in the next few days...or weeks!
I just had a great lunch with two wonderful Friends Hilary and Erin( from High School) we try to met up a few times a year...I have to tell you that these girls are so intelligent, so kind & witty . I love lingering over our lunches and getting caught up to speed on children, work, in laws etc...I always leave them wanting to be a better person and I am so grateful for the time we spend together. This week has been a wonderful friend week... I have spent some great time with friends ..I had Pam and her daughter Emma come up to the cottage for a sleepover, I had Dana drop in for a play date with Audrey, I had a great walk with Keith Gertie and Paris,I had my sister in law Erin and Sam drop in for a movie and dinner date ..and I met up with Tracie and had some tea and cake...she is the sweetest and kindest gal in St.Catharines.
It got me thinking That if you surround yourself with great people great things will come.I am just so plain happy ...I hope that each of you that reads this blog will have a least one great friend in life...and I hope you can find the happy in many parts of Your day! Tomorrow I have a date with my favorite friend who I love more then words can express ...my mom! I am truly a lucky girl!Wishing all of you great happiness!!