Last weekend I had a lovely weekend, my brother in law Sam and Erin and new baby Max came out for a visit. My best bud Kelly and her daughter Ella also popped in for a night!
It was nice to flake out at the cottage laugh, eat and get caught up on all of our silliness...and trust me their was a lot of silliness.
Sam is always so great with the girls he drew cute candy shop pictures for them to colour.
Made scavenger treasures hunts and made the best breakfasts...I highly recommend taking a Sam to a cottage if you are lucky enough to know of someone like him!
He is pretty amazing!
Erin was gracious enough to babysit for a few hours (wink wink ).
As Kelly and I tore off to the Galleria Mall...The new Anthropologie is opened ...and Kelly and I were dying to take a peek.
Erin also is so wonderful at taking pictures...these are all of hers that I have swiped off Facebook. Thanks sister!
Plus, do you see my cute cushions. ( yellow floral)
Last year Erin and I where in Target and I loved the Dwell quilt...Erin suggested I buy the quilt and she would get her friend to whip up some cushions...fast forward a year and they are beautiful...far to beautiful to leave at the cottage they will be some how tucked in my suitcase to take back to the Winnie...I am working on taking Max as well..isn't he the cutest baby..he is such a charmer!