So it has been a busy weekend here!
I am trying like mad to get into the house.. even had CeCe priming the stairwell!
In her Mid west gear.
The boots kill me!

I dashed out To Rona to look at lighting , plumbing etc....and was shocked that it was so great!
I have never been there before I loved looking around!

While back at the ranch Big T was painting.
Yes we painted out the sickly green ceilings...ugh!

I am wanting to paint the stairs a crazy color.
I know...hard to believe for the gal that only dreams in white.
I was thinking of Palladian blue HC-144 or black...hmmmm.

Ok ...can we talk Homesense...I bought the chandelier above for 80 bones ..steal!
And two of these beauties below for a buck twenty five ($125)
Start the car!

(shower tile)
Went and picked out tile for the bathroom which looks just like the kitchen picture below but worse as there is only floor joyces...yipes!!

(floor tile)

Our Kitchen
Dear Gawd....when will I ever get out of this hotel room.

Ran over to Urban Barn...and clicked away on my phone a few pieces that need to move to Kingsway with me!

I am In ....L-O-V-E with the Rugs!!
Serious big time deep Love!
Speaking of Love... made 26 little valentines with my sweet heart to hand out to the girls tomorrow at school.
Someone has taken to dressing herself.

Happy Valentines Day all!
Make time to tell that special someone how much you adore them!